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Curriculum development

Curriculum development2005 – 2014 has been designated the Decade of Education for Sustainable Development by UNESCO. As we have reached the half way point, many of the world’s governments have emerging policy on the development and implementation of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) formally within their national curricula. Britain is one of few that have an actual strategy in place; Sustainable Schools 2020. The result of a couple of decades or so of research in ecology, through environmental education, democratic education, development education amongst others we now have a framework for educational centres to follow in a format that suits their specific situation.

Education for Sustainable Development is generally considered best applied across the age range and subject areas as a ‘cross curricula theme’. Certain subject areas will lend themselves naturally to include many of the sustainability issues; others will play their part individually and in whole school activities. Whatever a school’s needs, GlobalEd can support students, staff and the wider community in the development of curricula, Programmes of Study and supporting materials and activities.